By: Eunice Shame-LEADSEA
BRECcIA organised a two weeks training workshop which mobilised 23 Early Career Researchers (ECRs) of different disciplines across the globe. The workshop which took place from 3rdto 15thMarch was patronised by BRECcIA multidisciplinary ECRs team with overlapping interests in water and food security from US, UK, Kenya, Malawi, Botswana, Ghana, China, and Italy. The training covered a wide range of topics from research methods, ethics, research integrity, safety, research management, policy influence and engagement, digital skills and technology in water and food security among others. Besides this, the workshop provided a platform for collaboration of ECRs in working groups. BRECcIA appreciates the multifaceted nature of water and food security challenges in the drylands of sub-saharan Africa, as such, it embraces co-designing with stakeholders and collaborative research among researchers of various disciplines. Participants of the workshop say that the event has enhanced the collaboration among ECRs. According to many, the collaboration sessions were one of the most important sessions as this has improved the bond between the ECRs and provided opportunity for more in-depth discussions on their small research projects. “This was a great opportunity for us to physically interact as we are spread out across different countries and organisations, we shared information and experiences relevant to our research projects” one of the participants, Henry Hunga said.

BRECcIA has gone beyond the ordinary collaborative research mechanisms which is mostly within disciplines to a more innovative collaboration across disciplines, government, non-governmental offices, the private sector and local people at grassroots level to enhance ground breaking evidence for sustainable water and food security policies in drylands of sub-saharan Africa.