Scientific Publications
The BRECcIA projects output many scientific research documents. More are still being released!
Find out more our about the scientific publications made below.
Professional Development
BRECcIA provides Professional Development resources for our associate members across various areas. Click below to find out more.
Geoserver data
Geoserver is a type database to store geospatial data. The BRECcIA project uses it to store geographical data outputs produced by our research teams. Click below to access our database.
Multidisciplinary Research MOOC
On this four-week course, you’ll explore the value of using multidisciplinary research to address global challenges. You’ll discover practical approaches as you unpack the benefits and challenges of multidisciplinary research.
Exploring case studies from the UK GCRF BRECcIA project, and focussing on food and water security in sub-Saharan Africa, you’ll gain insights of co-opting ideas and methods from various disciplines.

Network Mapper Tool
BRECcIA has developed a tool to map Network relationships. If you would like to use this tool, click below.

BRECcIA made some newsletters throughout the duration of the project.
Check out our Newsletters here.

Check out our Media resources, including our introductory video, leaflet, and more.
Capacity Strengthening
BRECcIA invested into Capacity Strengthening/Development on an Individual level, Institutional level, and on a wider Enabling Environment. BRECcIA made a capacity development toolkit, podcast, and animation video to share this research, click below to find out more.