Using applied community based anthropological field methods, my research project aims at generating information that will help understand why communities supported with food and water security interventions via NGOs and government are not developing resilience to food and water related shocks in Malawi. Prospective impacts of this research will be achieved through stakeholder engagement throughout the study to provide them an opportunity to learn and understand socio-economic and cultural dynamics that affect adoption and use of resilience interventions; suggesting recommendations based on the findings to policy stakeholders on designing and implementation of interventions in tandem with local needs and aspirations to enhance efficiency in resource allocation towards the interventions; as well as providing a platform for stakeholder engagement (together with community members) to allow dialogue based on research findings for stakeholders to discuss and agree on feasible designing and implementation of resilience interventions to increase their effectiveness and sustainability.
Early Career Researchers involved
Frank Musa
Other ECRs
- Matt Kandel
- Meryl Jagarnath
- Henry Hunga
- Sospeter Simiyu
Supervisory team
- Mangani Katundu
- Laura Lewis
- Allister Munthali